JBLC On The Move

Shooting the video for my poem, “Where Was She?” for the Just Buffalo Literary Center was such an amazing experience!

When I first got the phone call and they told me they wanted to make a video about my poem, my entire reaction could basically be summed up as:

Andry from Parks and Rec played by Chris Pratt shocked excited reaction face

I want to send a huge thank you to the JBLC for believing in my poem and choosing it as one of the three that they printed on NFTA buses! Their faith in my poem really came at a time when I needed it, and it has been such a huge motivation as I work on my literary projects in 2022. They are a wonderful organization that does a world of good for our little Western New York community.

I also want to thank the crew who filmed and edited this video—they were amazing and somehow they made standing outside in a pile of snow for an hour into a good time. Though they only used a small fraction of the footage we shot, I couldn’t be happier with how this gorgeous video turned out. Those guys really know what they’re doing.


JBLC Lit City Celebration Event Announcement!


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